The Low Carb Cookbook (হার্ডকভার)
The Low Carb Cookbook (হার্ডকভার)
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Following a lowcarb diet is now very popular. However carbohydrates are nutritionally importanttoo few carbs in your diet is not beneficial to your health. This book takes a balanced approach to a low carb diet showing how to consume enough good carbs in the form of complex carbohydrates and a fewer of the bad the simple carbohydrates to achieve a healthy diet.

Title : The Low Carb Cookbook
Author : জিনা স্টিয়ার
Publisher : প্যারাগন
ISBN : 1405445858
Edition : 2005
Number of Pages : 96
Country : India
Language : English

Gina Steer was a cookery editor, writer and broadcaster of many years' experience. She wrote and contributed to a wide range of cookbooks and publications for many different publishers, including the Simple Cookery, Let's Cook and Quick and Simple cookery series for Flame Tree.

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